Should you hire these Mercenaries? Or should you spend your money on something else like toothpaste?
If you're looking for explosions, explosions, and even more EXPLOSIONS, you can satisfy your craving in Mercs 2. Mercs 2 is a free roaming game where you can decide when or how to complete objectives, who or what to drop bombs on, and where you want to go. Sure it sounds really cool by how I'm explaining it right now, but trust me, it's not all that great. To start it off, the A.I. in the game is as dumb as the "thing" I left in the toilet after eating twenty burritos. Mercs 2 also becomes incredibly repetitive and tedious in terms of gameplay. In the game you pretty much follow this 3 step process: 1. Drive to location, 2. Accept contract, 3. Blow something up. Now I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I'm also not saying it's good either. Sure you can call in air strikes almost anywhere, take any vehicle that's in your reach, beat the living crud out of pedestrians, and spray bullets till you're your trigger finger gets blisters, but in these times there are many free-roaming games that have these traits. Mercs 2 is just your run-of-the-mill action game, well……less than average action game…..ummmm just keep reading.
If there was an award for "Glitchiest Game of the Year" Mercs 2 would win it hands down. The game is nicely detailed, it has great level design, and has received a HUGE jump in graphical presentation from its predecessor, but, and it's a HUGE BUT, "hahahaha he said butt." Sorry about that. The glitches in the game pretty much ruin the experience. Everywhere I looked I saw glitches everywhere. I saw lamps making love with the inside of the walls (is that even possible), I saw people falling from the sky after I took their car, I saw pedestrians running into walls over and over (why don't they just go around the wall?), I saw helicopters smashing into buildings, I saw air strikes that didn't even work, I saw bushes that imprisoned me during intensive fights, I saw many, many, many, many, okay you get the point. The game should be called: Mercenaries 2: World of Glitches.
The sound design was….hmmm…okay I guess. The in-game soundtrack would sometimes get on my nerves, it's sort of like listening to children asking their parents if they're there yet, it's okay for the first couple of times, but towards the end you just want to tape their mouth, sort of like that, did that make sense? Just know that the in-game music was….how do I put it…..dull. The voice acting during cut-scenes was alright, but could sometimes feel a little awkward; the in-game dialogue didn't make sense at times. The people around the town also kept repeating their saying over and over. I couldn't go through any level for 5 seconds without anyone saying "Hey it's the Merc!" Those people make me sick…….
Overall: Mercenaries 2: World in Flames isn't a completely bad game, it does have it's positives, like……well……I'll tell you the positives once I can think of some. Oh, you can blow up a variety of things, like people, buildings, and vehicles. I guess that's a positive. Oh forget it, I give up. Let me put it simply that Mercs 2 is just your less than average "sandbox" game, it has so much potential but it remains a soft pile of sand….whoa….that did not make sense.