What Happened?
Here is why...
1. AI should be called NI for "No Intelligence". I cant tell you how many times I've failed mission because some one ran in front of my vehicle or line of fire.
2. Kinda Ugly. I have a 720p HDTV. And I can see the relative ugliness of the characters and objects during cutscenes.
3. Everything sounds the same. The audio isn't necessarily bad, but it sounds like every explosion is an 8-bit recording of a car blowing up.
4. Bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs. I haven't seen so many general bugs in a game, well, ever honestly.
5. Lack of creativity. You'd think with a massive map and many factions you would have a unique story line and mission structure, well your wrong. 90% of missions are the same just with a different faction and the story line is very stale.
I tried to give this every benefit of the doubt but it still disappointed me later on...
If not for the trophy patch, my score would have been a 5.0 because trophies are the only thing that keeps me interested in this game.
Unless you are a true die-hard Mercs fan, don't even look at this game.