the includes new techniques inculding weopons and helicopters and tanks and cars but the problem of the game that it is some how short. i have finished it in 2 weeks.but the nice thing that it let chose which charcters you want to play with and you never get bored of it.and one of the most beutiful thing in the game that their are new strikes and tanks and chose which people you want to work with (chine,people libration army,pirates,us and unvirsal petorleum.and every one will give you diffrent equimpent and air stikes and idont find any thing boring in is the a perfect a game.with every thing in it and one of the great impersive thing that doing missions for contacts and this missons will give you extra exitment and extra cash too and that will help you in buying your things for hard missions that are even more exiting than ever and it is one of the most impersive games that i have ever seen you dont have to worry about it when you buy
Other Helpful Reviews for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
If you liked the original Mercenaries youll like the PS2 version of Mercs 2. The next gen consoles versions were a total failue, as the new engine used to power the game was awfull to say the least. It changed the gunp... Read Full Review
Mercenaries 2 : world in flames Graphics: absolutley terrible, these graphics look like they took a huge step back from next gen to graphics back in 2000, there is nothing in this game that the graphics look good on..... Read Full Review