as good as the first game, this game will give the PS2 some life.
In the other hand theres the PS2 version which uses the original engine used on the first game. Considering PS2s lack of power and the games scope, the game is pretty good. This version feels like the the original game and thats a good thing because that feeling made the first game so great. The graphics have been a little downgraded from the original, but considering this game has a bigger, undivided map, many more vehicles, boats, and yes, swimming is possible ( drowning was the biggest flaw in the original game ) , you have a base where you can store vehicles ( only possible on PS2 version ) among other new features, I say its a fair trade off to loose some shine to put every thing in. They did a great job on this version .
There are some bugs, specially in the collition detection and physics but if you consider next gen versions and their share of bugs, you couldnt expect this version to be perfect, anyway, these glitches arent at all crippling, theyre just small annoyances if you ask me. I will finish saying the PS2 version is much, much closer to the original game than other version and in a good way, Im glad they made this version because I can play a sequel that feels like the original, something I cant say about next gen version, and thats the reason to play Mecs 2 isnt it? the greatness of Mercs 1!