Good, but not as good as it could be. Worth it if you can get it below 30 bucks.
Fun game play. You go running around soaking up hundreds of bullets, and killing or destroying anything near you.
Big selection of military vehicles.
Good graphics. However, towards the end of the game the graphics start to suck. The cities are all dark; I suppose from smog and smoke from guns, and cannons, ect. However, at this point in the game, the draw distances become smaller, and the game looks just about as good as it did on the ps2. However, in sunny VZ, the game looks nice. Also, the explosions look great.
Airstrikes are great, fun, and you'll always have them.
It's fun to get a sports car, or monster truck delivered to you in the middle of a battle.
Guns are weak and inaccurate. You can barely hit guys across the streets with a M4.
Racing missions are just annoying. I hated them and they stopped me form playing the game over again.
Sometimes there are cheap deaths. For example, 30 guys with RPG's will shoot at you all at once.
Maps to big. There's just nothing to do at a lot of the places.
However, Mercs 2 was fun, and I did enjoy it. If you can get it for less than 30 bucks, I'll say it's worth it.