An alright game, could have been way better, but wasn't. Read MY review to get the WHOLE story! YUP! YUP1/
The Good: Pretty nice graphics, downright FUN! And, a fabulous array of vehicles, weapons, and choices!
The Bad: Too repetitive! Too short and easy. Not a great story.
Ok guys, I just had to review this game! It wasn't great, but at the same time wasn't terrible either! The gameplay is really addicting and fun. If you like the classic run around an area, shooting objects and people, with huge and powerful weapons, blowing up everything in sight... Then this just might be your thing?!?!?! However, some missions are too easy, or too hard, repetitive, or just plain stupid. I also like the fact that anything is able to be destroyed. ANYTHING!
If you want a good story, orginiality, and missions that don't get repetitive, and a "Just - Right" kind of difficulty. Well then don't buy this game.
I just have to say, "Rent - It - First1"
This game could either a huge success, or a huge failure. So, rent it first, or download a demo, or SOMETHING! This is just one of those games where you should rent it first. Thanks for reading :P