Awesome game, Total Carnage

User Rating: 9.4 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction PS2
In Mercenaries you find yourself in North Korea (an extremely chaotic area) on a $100,000,000 mission to capture General Song, a North Korean leader who holds the code to his countries nuclear weapons. You will work for the South Koreans, Americans, Chinese and even the Russion Mafia as you capture the neccesary people to gather intel to find Song. You can Hijack civilians cars, trucks, helicopters, hum-vees, tanks, anti air vehicles and much more. As you work your way through the game you will be allowed more and mroe things to buy from the Merchant of Menace (the Russian Mafia's online catalog), that will be shipped to you via helicopter (Cars, Weapon crates and more). You can destroy any building in the game with rockets, tanks or even air-strikes. Mercenaries is a great single player game that includes a Grand Theft Auto type gameplay and total destruction.