User Rating: 8.8 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction PS2
wow i don't think i have ever played a fantasy war game this fun before this is truly a great game i must say it's not perfect my mane complaint is the occasional bug's and the story but everything else is mad fun for one thing the unlockables include tons of weapon drops missile and bomb strikes and vehicles and cool cheats such as "play as Indiana Jones and play as hon solo" plus the usual cheats for money unlimited ammo and health for the missions allot of them are fun to do some can get aggravating out of the replay once you beat the game you'll have a ton of money you can use to play threw the game again however you want to such instead of capturing all the terrorist alive wipe all of them out with a big bomb and artillery strike the physics system in this game is allot of fun (what i did for like a half an hour was put a ton of C4 under trucks and see how far they go i once even got a car to hit a helicopter) all in all this game is a definite buy and i hope they make one for the ps3 that would be awesome hell even add some online