I only rented it for maybe 3 days, but it was great and made me want to buy it.
It is a free roaming game, like Grand Theft Auto, but with a little less space. When you are entering territory and they don't realize who you are, they start shooting at you and following you, making you almost need to fight back. Another thing is the destructible buildings. You can destroy almost anything with either airstrikes or rocket launchers. It also declines your influence if it is a structure of one of your allies.
The biggest thing is the "Deck of 52". In the game, they are people that are wanted by the Allies. Each one is a card that is in a deck of cards (Ex. 8 of Clubs.). You advance to a different suit after taking down their ace. I'm pretty sure the final tier is the spades. That ace is the most dangerous and difficult. It is a great addition to the game and fun to find some number cards when you want to earn some cash. Also, it is fun to wander around. You can run into some random gun fights, making it fun to just start fighting.
Now, the glitches. One of the worst is the car glitch. If you run in front of a car, it keeps pushing you, and you constantly lose health, and you are unable to move. Another flaw I found was the "Sliding Mountain" glitch. When you are walking up a hill, you just randomly start to slide down, sometimes getting you caught in trees, unable to move. This can be VERY frustrating flaw when you are ambushing a Deck of 52. Another thing is the lack of cover. There are very few places to hide when you are under fire, for their are no buildings you can go into and almost, if not, no rocks to find cover behind. This is angering when you are under fire. Your only hope is to get into a vehicle.
Overall, this is a very entertaining game and I highly suggest it to players who like Shooters.