Amazing game from start to finish.
Gameplay is spot on and easy to use, so it is pretty easy to hijack a helicopter in mid-air when being shot at by a tank.
Sound the soundtrack is good and sets the mood very well. The voice acting is good to with believable acting from all of them. The sound affects how ever are a bit off tune for example: tires sqeul on dirt roads and the shotgun when fired makes no noise what so ever.
In Mercenaries the value is pretty good when you go throught the game a second time you can use all the things you found the first time throught, but I found the game hard with all the explosions and some parts you are almost required to use the GOD MODE cheat, but after beating it the second time I found that there was nothing much left that I could do, but ever now and then it is fun just to put it in and GOD MODE and just blow everything and everyone up.