Lasers, cannons, big robots, cool vehicles, and awesome graphics... I'm in!
1. The graphics in Metal Arms from explosions to lasers and rocks to vehicles are relatively impressive, however there are a few things that could have been improved, such as the lighting effects.
2. The sound in Metal Arms is extremely strong in some areas and pitifully weak in others. For instance, all of the sound effects such as explosions, clangs, and crunches are all perfect, but the soundtrack is just dissapointing. There is almost never any music and when there is, let's just say someone in the studio didn't have very good taste.
3. The guns in Metal Arms are just fantastic. Not only is there a wide variety of weapons ranging from grenades, rocket launchers, and explosive charges, to lasers, machine guns, and sniper rifles, almost all of the weapons are upgradeable. These upgrades do things such as: The rocket launcher goes from a single-shot to a quad-shot. The mining laser obtains two barrels and can give off charged blasts. The sniper rifle obtains explosive ammunition, etc.
4. The vehicles in Metal Arms are one of the things that make it fun to play over and over again. You've got things like: Tanks with machine guns and giant laser cannons, Hovercrafts that can spray machine gun ammo or pick up enemies with the giant pincers on the front and hurl them off of cliffs, and Six-wheelers that can travel unbelievably fast and have a gun turret on the back in case you have a partner and you're feeling ambitious.
5. Hi-jacking other robots is great fun because you can take over anything from little Grunts to giant Titans and even the elusive General Corrosive eventually. Also, if the bot you are controlling dies, it doesn't matter because they were on the enemy team! All that, plus the fact that it's nice to not be Glitch occasionally, make the Hi-jacking system very fun.
6. This is one of my favorites. The destruction of enemies. Destroying enemies in Metal Arms is probably one of the most satisfying thins I've ever been able to take part in. Not only is almost every part of each enemy detachable (for instance if you wanted to snipe a Titan's shoulder-mounted rocket launcher off of him you could), but also when you destroy enemies they scream in terror before they explode into millions of little chunks of metallic scrap metal.
7. Metal Arms is also a very fun game because (i know this might not make sense) it's very frustrating. Even on the normal setting in can take 5-10 tries before you find all the enemies' positions and are able to lay waste to all of them.
8. Personally, I think that the overall FPS quality of Metal Arms: Glitch in the system is quite easily comparable to the Halo series.