An pretty good game to introduce you to the delights of the Xbox

User Rating: 9.1 | Metal Arms: Glitch in the System XBOX
This was the first game that I plugged into my brand-new Xbox when I was brought one as a birthday pressy (I's been a dyed-in-the-wool PC gamer before that but never edning upgrades sapped my money and will to live!!).

So I'm gonna look back on this game with some fondness (like one's first serious love) but this is a good all-rounder. A few levels seemed harder than others but I loved the sly humour, range of weapons and all-round fun of this game.

The story is a great pastiche on those '50's SF b-movies and some excellent moments.

But what we like is the 'unlockable' multi-player levels based on levels in the game. We've spent many a happy hour blasting each other over a few cold beers.

Not a serious game at all - well worth it in my view