All other games shall bow to the might of Metal Arms
User Rating: 9.9 | Metal Arms: Glitch in the System PS2
This game OWNS all other games, without exception, this has to be the best game I have ever played on the PS2, yeah the PS2 gets a little wobbly during the fantastic battle sequences, and normally that would bother me, but not this time. The game is like a LucasArts adventure game, it creates a completely immersive self sustained world that is so in depth, your slightly sad to leave it. And the storyline is truly epic, ar 42 missions long it has to be. It is a real shame that this game didn't sell as well as it should have, and it deserved to sell really well. It is a shame that something of such genius went largely ignored in amongst all the inferior third person shooters. Everything about this game is right, the cartoony style betrays a very mature and adult game with just the right amount of humour and beeped out swear words to keep the player interested.
Seriously, this game does for third person shooters what Star Wars did for Sci fi, find it, buy it, play it, you won't regret it.