Probably the most underrated game... ever.
Gameplay/Story: Metal Arms puts you in control of Glitch, a robot that was found by the rebellion. As you awaken, you are enlisted into the Rebellion and from there, fight against the evil Mil Bots and General Corrosive. The story is okay but certainly not the focus point of this game. The action more than makes up for any downfalls in the storyline.
As a mining droid, your first weapon is a weak little mining lazer. From here you get auto shotguns, rocket launchers and machine guns and anything else you can think of. Slingshots that shoot grenades, flamethrowers, fire grenades. The thing that sets Metal Arms apart from other shooters is the control laser. Since you are fighting droids, they can be controlled with a special wire thing that you must lock on to the backs of the enemies. You can then control your enemies the same way you would control Glitch. Also, if your controlled robots die, it doesnt hurt you at all!
Also, the single player is incredibly long and contains tons of vehicles, weapons, controllable droids, and special tokens that unlock new multiplayer maps!
The multiplayer is just as exciting as the single player in many ways. The controllable droids are in multiplayer and you can choose to either have them standing still or fighting against you. There are also grenades that you can use to make the enemy robots join your team without needing to control them. Theoretically, you can mass a giant robot army to help you fight the other team. In order to prevent misuse of these robots, if you kill a robot while someone else is controlling it, you will recieve a kill, even though the persons main robot is still alive. However, if you a kill a robot that is on the other team because of a grenade, you will not get a kill point for that. There are several game modes and courses to choose from so that you won't get bored easily. The only thing that this game needs is bots for multiplayer. Unless you have 4 friends to play with you, the multiplayer can get old after not too long.
Graphics: The graphics are a nice cartoon-y style that goes well with the comedic nature of the game. The enemies look evil but not altogether threatening which still gives you that "oh crap" feeling when you see a titan aiming its rockets at you, but still maintains the comedic feel throughout.
Sound: The sound effects are awesome and the guns sound exactly like you would expect. The music is not great but it fits into the background quite nicely. The full voice-overs are great and add a feel of realism into the game. It also makes the game that much funnier.
Value: If you are looking for a great shooter game, pass up halo and pick up this game. The single player and multiplayer are a lot more entertaining and will last you a lot longer. You won't regret this choice.