Metal Gear Card Battle I got to say i like it
User Rating: 8.8 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
Metal Gear Acid 2 is the same game as its predecessor just better. Okay I Pick Metal gear Acid 2 just because I’m geeked about MG Portable Opts coming out for the psp. This is not a bad game actually it is a great game. If you haven't played the first game don't worry you didn't miss anything. The game does not refer back to the previous game. Second the card system has been tweaked a little, which gives you a better game experience than the first game. Third they give you these 3D goggles so you can experience it in 3D. Don't worry you can still play the game without it. The game play is excellent and the missions are just right for the card system. This game has a lot of bonus feature which are kind of perverted you will see when you unlock them. I say rent it first, buy it you get it for 20 dollars, or if you a metal gear head it a must buy for your metal gear collection.