Greatly builds on the original.
User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
This game takes what the first Ac!d introduced to the next level. Konami has greatly improved on graphics as well as game play. The graphics are not nearly as dark as in the first one because of a new cell shading they introduced. The game play was simplified by making the heads up display easier to understand and in turn use. They have also put a nice little tutorial into this game which was missing in the first one and I feel it greatly helps. They have also added on the cards from the original, in total there are 565 cards in this one, more than twice that of the first one. The only thing I did not like about this game is the story which has nothing to do with any other Metal Gear. But that fact is easy to get over once you see just how much work Konami put into this game and how enjoyable it is.