Konami's new style of gaming for the psp using nothing but cards to manouver snake!

User Rating: 7 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
The good:
.New style of gameplay suits the playstation portable.
.Tactical thinking makes it a whole new world of fun.
.Easy to follow storyline.
.Over 500 different cards to choose from.
The bad:
.Online play is very slow.
.Very offputting for those who want a much more exciting rapid game.

A completely whole new style of gameplay with using nothing but cards...
Its a platform game more than a Metal Gear Solid game....
In honesty i was truely dissapointed when i bought this game it was nothing like what i thought.... But i was wrong it grows on me....
You have to think tactical as the enemies move more than you... So if you have the card to set up a bomb set it on a square you think that they'll walk! DON'T BE SPOTTED! Konami decided to make it so you can choose cards, so after each level you choose the map choose your 60 cards for each level and get going!
Mainly the missions are that you spawn on one side of somewhere, you have to go to the middle and get something (Start up a generator or something or set up a bomb) on the way through the middle you use your stealth to take out the enemy and then go to the end still stealthily and finish the mission.
Unfortunately this can sometimes get boring if you persistently get caught again and again but just bare with it.
If you buy this game you'll play the first level and really not think much of it but i promise you play the next three and its a new world!
Those who don't like Very rapid games like Unreal and Halo Buy THIS GAME! Its awesome for rapid players who just bare with it....
The new 'toon' style for Metal Gear Ac!d also fits very well.
Thanks check out my other reviews laters.