Perfect Strategy on the go

User Rating: 8.8 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
Well, one thing i can say for sure. Its very good thats because i'm a fan of the series. Now lets give a fair review eh

The Pro's
More advance cards for more tactical moves u can pull, great artwork its actually very cool with the 3D cartoon thing. Boss are smarter now, you can always use the enviroment to fight along with you; you'll understand what i say when you try it. The mission, are always different plus your cards always give you different moves in game.

The con's
well i did say earlier the 3D google soild eye thing is cool. But sometimes its sorta useless. But thats just my POV. I was a previous Acid fan but in this version, there is much more to learn. Last but not least the camera angle. They left that out but i suppose its just a board type tactical game don't know if thats needed.