Zamazing, I never knew that cards could be fun! Oh well, I lost another bet...*Takes off pants*
"Metal Gear Acid 2 is a sequel to the first Metal Gear Acid. This game uses cards for everything. Shooting, moving, wearing a cardboard box, everything. Each card has cost. Cost builds up, giving your enemies more chances to hurt you." Scandalz explained.
"Moving itself is a lot easier and funner than in the original. You can use the directional buttons to move forward blocks, and the buttons to crouch." Scandalz explained. "Also, the cel shaded graphics are very pleasing and refreshing."
"The sound is mostly techoish tracks, with some vein pumping alert music thrown in. Also, the game is hard. Very hard. Picture this: your first boss is a giant hulk-like creature with one thousand HP. This creature can shoot his arms at you and cause 100 damage for each hit. Did I mention that he is invulnurable to explosions?"
"What do you think of the game now?" asked Scandalz. "I THINK UR A N00B LOL!" Said Billy. He has not been seen sense, and Scandalz is now on the FBI's most wanted list.