Way better than Ac!d

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
Even though Metal Gear Ac!d sold well and some good reviews (including mine), the game was a disapointment (i think that too, though i gave it a 9.0), well now Kojima Productions has released the sequel: Metal Gear Ac!d 2, but is it wourth it?

The game takes place at StrateLogic Inc., Koppelthorn has lock himself in a Hangar and demands high-ranking people or he will launch a nuclear weapon, and without giving too much away: it´s Metal Gear. Snake which has returned from a unknown land with 3 of his friends, but is arrested by FBI agent Dalton, which sends him into StrateLogic Inc. to stop Koppelthorn and to get his memory back.

First of all if you never played Metal Gear Ac!d, you don´t need to worry, there´s a traning mission at the start of the game before the story begins (you can however avoid it if you have a save from MGA1) and it explains the system pretty well so you should´net be confused by it.

MGA2 come packaged with a pair of 3D goggles called Solid Eye, which let´s you see the game in 3D, it looks pretty while in use but you´ll get a headace and feel cross-eyed if you use it for more than 10 min.

MGA2 takes about 15-20 hours to complete, after that you can play all of the missions with driffent missions, streching from complete a level without been discovered to puzzles like kill all emenys within 25 cost. Then you can collect all of the 565 cards (which will take very long time) and 47 of them contains a movie that you can see in Solid Eye Thearte. These movies are either hot japanese girls or some cut-scenes from Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater which has english subtitles and japanese voice acting which is defently a plus from my side. Then there´s arena mode which let´s you fight against all of the bosses from the Metal Gear Solid games, and you´ll earn cards for beating them.

The graphics are very good, the background are beautiful and character models are pretty good too, and the drawings in the game are very pretty too, also there´s less frame-rate problems than in MGA1 but there is still some.

The music is more techno than the usual Harry-Gregson Williams music we have been hearing in the lastest MGS games but the music is still pretty good. It´s just a shame that there isin´t any voice acting in the game, since some sections contain a cut-scene that is long, so that´s pretty weak.

Overall Metal Gear Ac!d 2 is way better than Metal Gear Ac!d and it is the best handheld Metal Gear game as it says on the box, but we are still hoping for a normal Metal Gear game on the PSP, but we may have a normal MG game on the PSP since there are rumors of a PSP version of Metal Gear Solid. Anyway if your a MGS fan you´ll enjoy MGA2, if you started with Ac!d 1 then you must buy this.