This game is fun but its no solid

User Rating: 7.5 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
When buying this game, i knew there was a risk of a disapointment. i never got the origional and i knew it was a CARD GAME. let me enfasize CARD GAME!!!! The levels are designed in a very good organization, and the game can have some cool moments, but after playing mgs3 subsistence, this game just made me bord. the story isnt really worth mentioning, considering because of the lack of voiceover, i dont pay atention to it. if nothing else, the most redeming quality is solid eye and solid eye theater. it's a little black box that fits over your psp that makes the game 3d when in solid eye mode. also theres some cool videos in solid eye theater, mostly revolveing around hot asian girls posing with guns, and the japanese cutscenes from mgs3 in 3d. also the mgs4 trailer in 3d is prity cool. Also, the graphic style is really cool and works great on the psp.