One Word... Amazing
Well lets just say all the problems of the first one have been addressed and the game play almost as fluidly as a console MGS! Playing with cards may turn some people off to the game but there really isnt a reason why you shouldnt because in some aspects playing with the cards can make you play more the way the games should be i.e. sneaking because your weapons may not come up as readily as needed. So it all works beautifly together and plays extordinarly well.
This game take a graphical overhaul from others in the series the game is fully cell shaded and vibrant though it doesnt seem like it would work the game is a joy to look at and behold the 3-D on the PSP is as good as ever
Again i have some issues in this area as before. The guns and other movement sound are great and the techno sound track all work to the games advantage but there is still no voice acting which is a turn-off because this has been such a strong suit in the others
Well her is another small gripe: The game is priced at forty dollars just as before but the story is shorter about 9 hours but this may vary to new players due to the learning curve involved but since i had beatin MGA 1 the day i started to play this one i had a huge advantage also the story is not as engaging as others in series but you'll love the characters
To be honest I have no idea what tilt means but i like the game so the tilts in its favor whatever