Good Game, better than first

User Rating: 8.6 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
One thing I don't understand is why the two Metal Gear Acid games got exactly the same ratings. Ok I liked them both but in the second one you got better graphics, a 3D view and an improved soundtrack which leads to a better gameplay. For those who aren't yet familiar with this "Card game" it might be a bit frustrating at the beginning (at least for me) but you'll get into it and then the game will make you addicted.

However I didn't like the length of the story too much, when I fought the Metal Gear (way too easy btw) I was shocked about this being the final battle already. Then the story continued... to present you only two more missions. Well at least the end was a letdown in my view.

But don't get me wrong the game is at least as good as its predecessor with all its bugs modified and in brighter colours. If you liked the first one, you'll love this one too...