Wow, a must have for psp. not for everyone, though.

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
ok, first, i must say, when i bought this game, i thought... worst mistake of my life... but i found out, it is probably the best psp game to date... but its not for everyone.

graphics 9: this graphical style isnt my favorite, but its undeniably pretty. its a cel-shaded look with rough, anime-like animations, and the cutscenes are just the same, but most of the time (non-in game) cutscenes are drawn, with no movin parts.

Gameplay 9: this, is why it isnt for everyone... for diehard Metal Gear fans, this could make or break the game. Its a card battle game. Yes, if yould like, you could break down konamis door and kill them all, or you can continue listening to what I have to say. Got your attention? good. this is a card attle game, no, put down your pitchfork... okay, its a card battle game, but its a GOOD card battle game. Not boring, not overcomplicated (well, a bit) and definetly not sucktastic. Okay, and its a bit of a strategy, put down the sub-machine gun! this is a good thing, the series could benefit from it in their action titles, a bit of strategy never hurt. The game is played at an almost isometric view and the cards are really interesting... i still dont understand some of the gameplay though...

Camera 8: meh. isometric. pain in the a$$ when underneath anything, otherwise, its wonderful.

Story umm...: i didnt really pay attention to it :P so im not a helpful source for that :P

sound 7: this is where the game kinda lacks, because there are NO voiceovers at all, and the sounds are fine, but therre kinda 'meh'. they dont go with the cel shaded graphics which usually goes with a sort of oversimplified sound.

overall: if youre willing to give a wonderfully unique game a shot, you could be pleasently suprised. btw its only 8.99 used so go for it!