An improved sequel of a fun psp game...
User Rating: 8.5 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
Metal Gear Acid was one of my favorite psps games...until acid 2. Acid 2 does everything it's predesessor did...but better...bigger...funner. It had a interesting yet rather confusing story (as always expected with a mgs game). Nevertheless, on the whole it didn't stop me from enjoying the game. For anyone who enjoyed playing the first acid..they will love the it's a great game to bulk up a psp collection. Sitting typing now i can't really think of any problems i had with the game, it just seemed like a preety solid game to play. There were no incredibly hard parts, but it wasn't exactly easy either. It was a challenging card game that can be played by anyone, the system can be easily picked by doing the tutorial at the start of the game. Anyone who has played the original acid game should be able to play this game with relative ease and be able to complete the game on normal on their first time through, wheras newbies should probably start on easy just to get the jist of the game. The fact there is over 500 collectable cards insures this game will last you longer than your average game if you take the time to "catch em all".