Sometimes we gotta accept some changes.
You get to purchase cards that represents weapons and movements. And not just that, if you played the previous Metal Gear Solid series, you will be familiar the card characters and weapons. There are 4 type of boosters, MGS 1, 2, 3 (snake eater), and Chronicles. Does that ring a bell in your brain?
The storyline of this game is not directly related to previous MGS series, so, new players for MG series, you may try this game out to get a partial impression of MGS. But keep in mind though, the experience for this game is not the same as MGS as it is tactical but MGS is action.
And yeah, before I forget. The female characters' ****s bounces non-stop. That irritates me, I wanted to play a game, not watch Hentai! Kojima need to work on this. Little gamers may end up staring at the b**b rather than playing the game.