Metal Gear Acid 2 may great, but it's too short for an avid and hardcore gamer to buy.

User Rating: 8.5 | Metal Gear Acid 2 PSP
Metal Gear Acid 2 is the latest game in the Metal Gear Acid series. The interface of the cards and the menus have been given a face lift and looks better than ever. There are more cards, different cards, and cards with more or less power. For those of you looking for a portable Metal Gear game like the console versions you should absolutely NOT GET THIS GAME!
After all, this game is a turn based card battling game with just some Metal Gears and Snake. For those who like these kind of games, by all means, just run to your local EB Games of Gamestop, or whatever and get this.
Now the actual gameplay of this game is not very challenging because your main goal is just to move from one point to another or destroying UAVs, beating a boss, or blowing up a Metal Gear. The story is pretty interesting, but not mind blowing. But at the end, (in my opinion) the story in amazing! It is just mind blowing what Snake and Venus does. It also shows what happens to them after the game in a few screenshots.
The graphics in this game isn't really impressive because it's just really a few rectangles and circles put together with some color. When you look at it together though, it looks pretty good. The game also comes with a Solid Eye Attachment for your PSP to view the ENTIRE GAME IN 3-D! Every so often though, like every 10 to 20 minutes, your eyes will burn and you'll just need to stop playing all together. To switch to Solid Eye mode, you'll need to go to the menu during gameplay and select system and turn on the Solid Eye Mode.
The sound in the game isn't too great, but it's decent enough not to say it it gets annoying during gameplay. The weapon sounds into game are are okay, but the explosions sound and look great. Especially when a Metal Gear is defeated, the sound is just amazing and the look is incredible. There's no voice acting in this game, and it could've benefited from some.
The game costs a good $40 out of your pocket and that's a pretty big chunk for a short campaign. I probably spent about three hours just buying card packs, upgrading the cards, and building my deck.
The multiplayer is okay for a turn-based card battling game but it's not anything special. You basically have to collect some disks before your opponent does and you can beat them up and steal their disks.
Overall, the games a good catch, and a great buy. If you like Metal Gear, own a PSP, and feel okay with the card battling, this is the game to get. And if need a reason to get a PSP, this is it.