My name is Snake and im gonna kill you w/ my amazing deck of cards!

User Rating: 8.3 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
First of all let me state that im a huge metal gear buff and i think snake is freakin awsome. Ok i got that off my chest. Now when i got this game I wasn't quite sure what to think about it. After all i have heard mixed reviews on it like it sucks or just the opposite, that its awsome. And I think i will have to go w/ the its awsome side.

Now this game isn't your normal card game, or your usual metal gear game for that matter. Just think of everything you can do in the metal gear series and your able to do it here, except you have to wait for a card that enalbes you to to do it first. This I found to be kinda frustrating. For example I was trying to take out this guy from far away and I needed my PSG-9 (Sniper Rifle) to take him out, and i had to keep discarding cards in order to get the PSG-9 and the card was like toward the end of my deck, so i had to keep wasting cards and time in order to get to it. The story is great and kind of freaky (like in the beginning you have these two dolls that are carving numbers into people's chests) but it is cool. You learn some interesting things about snake too that make you question his loyalty in the game, but it all becomes clear in the end.

The graphics in this game are awsome its almost like playing the good old PS2. The thing I wish they would have done was to do some voice overs cause the reading can be kinda lengthy, especially in te beginning wich take like 20 minutes to get through before you start playing.

All in all if you like metal gear and something different i dont think you'll be disappointed w/ your purchase. Plus battleing against your friends can be pretty fun too.