What were they thinking?
User Rating: 2 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
I would like to know what on earth was going through Kojima's mind when he unleashed this garbage which was nothing like the great MGS series. I bought this game at christmas in 2005 thinking great this is another MGS game that will blow me away as usual with MGS games. I played on it and was wondering what was going on when i saw that the players were using cards!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right cards!!!!!!!!!!! This isn't Pokemon for christs sake, this isnt some kind of RPG. THIS IS METAL GEAR SOLID AND WHAT IN GODS NAME IS IT DOING USING CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was a disgrace i had it for a day before i took it back and i hated every minute of playing it. Don't look at what gamespot have rated it to be 8.2, what a load of rubbish. Trust me if you get this game you really have to like the card game kind of stuff. Otherwise don't bother because it will only be a let down for you because it is nothing like the great amount of action you get from MGS games!!!!!!