Metal Gear Rising: Revengance is really something special

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PS3
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance has finally lauched, and must I say the game is very very good. One thing I want to note, I started the game off on the hardest difficulty, so my review discription I have it down as hard, starting off on normal or easy will most likely not be as hard.

Sadly enough, there is not much to say about the game that hasnt been said already. One thing I did want to add is that the game is very unique. I walked into thinking it was going to be more like Ninja Gaiden, thinking is was going to be the make up for the Failure of the 3 rd Ninja Gaiden game, but you will be happy to know that as a stand alone game, it proves to be better than the whole trilogy.

The biggest thing that sets this game apart than other action games is the is the huge diversity of characters you meet throughout the game. The actually add much more depth and meaning to the game. Also added on that is the blade mode, which works incredible. It is the best example of free sword fighting I have ever witnessed can be enjoyed by any player. Which is good at bad, because I could see this being copied in many other games to come.

Its biggest flaw is in the is the is the length, on hard I clocked at about 6 hours, which is kind of a let down speaking how good the game really, it just needs more. I hope to see added DLC missions for this, and there is also added VR missions to help keep one into the game.

Overall, the game is superb and no reason why it is not worth the price tag.