Game throws you into an impressive story. Gives you fun gameplay and has alot of awesome moments.
Story_ I'm not going to give much away except that the game involves conspiracies, the president, cyborg ninjas, and a vampire ninja man!
Story is told through great cutscenes that make you feel like your watching a movie. The story is also told through Radio conversations though those can get boring fast.
Graphics_ Great. At least for the time. EVerything looks nice and the textures are done quite well. THough you never journey our of high tech enemy bases.
Sound_ Nice nothing worth noting though
Gameplay_ Alot of people knock this game for the wierd camera angles. I find that the angles aren't bothersome at all. Meaning they don't take away from the action.
Shooting is done by pressing the square button. Your charecter automatically locks on to his targer in thrid person or you can switch to first person and shoot (can't move in first person though)
You have melee as well though that doesn't come into play that often.
Boss fights are briliant.
Summary_ people say raiden sucks. He's okay. It adds depth to a series that is dominated by one protaganist. THough he had his sore moments i liked him and thought it was intresting to see a new kind of super spy