MGS2 has great graphics, good story line, great bad guys, and a boring place to explore. MGS2 keeps you in the tanker through out the entire game doing some of the same repetive objectives such as freezing bombs, running to one area to the other before time runs out, swimming in places that make you tired of seeing water, etc. MGS3 on the other hand gave you the forest to explore and I sort of liked it better than MGS2.
The gameplay is nicely done and easy to learn. Difficulty can be set on all types of modes which means its not hard or easy or very hard unless you want it to be. Boss fights are still excting, the voice actors really got into it this time around. You play as a new character named Raiden, Snake is only playable once. I did enjoy the game allot, played it for many hours constantly.
The only problem with MGS2 were most of the missions, especially the parts where the tanker was flooded. You are forced to swim around in certain parts. I've always hated swimming in video games.