A brilliant blend of smooth controlls and stylish gameplay, all toped off with the storyline to end all storylines!!

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Mega Hits!) PS2
This game is still a must play, you can tell that on ps2 the graphics are still unsurpassed today and maybe even betterly _if that is a word_ stylised than most 360 games.
The story twists and turns and taints your blood with a burning desire to beat it, and even after that.. you won't be disappointed with all the text to read through and exclusive content, if you still think that' s too nerdy for you then there is definetly something wrong with you after playing this amazing game. The characters are as deep as people can go, as the player developing the same hatred for Liquid-Ocelot as you would a real bad guy. And sure as hell the music and sound is perfect. Not only this i only noticed one fps slowdown throughout the entire game.. and that was on the first deck up high only when in fp view with the thermal goggles if your wondering.
The gameplay has undergone some dramatic changes since the first MGS too, with fp shooting, a judo throw, roll maneuver, better hold up mechanic, blisteringly fast boss battles, the ability to walk and a hanging maneuver. Returning are the knock on wall, crouch/ prone, wall hug(with all new peak mechanic), grenades with useful effects, sniping, health items like penzetamines and c meds and a return of the useful choice hold. This comes hand in hand with a comprehensive list of weapons and items like:
- automatics, being a m4 and a aks-47 u.
- explosives, such as Claymore proximity mines_with new positioning mechanic_ and c4_always funny to stick on a sleepy guard's back ;] _
- Pistols like a Berreta M9 "tranq gun", a hk USP and later the fictional SOCOM.
- Grenades, which consist of fragmentation, stun, chaff_for disabling electronics_ and empty magazines for a useful distraction.
- Ranged explosives, these useful little buddys are Stinger missile launcher_classic heat seeker_, Nikita remote controlled rocket and later a Grenade launcher
- snipers, a PSG-1 and a tranq version
- Various enemy equipment such as grenades, bullet proof shields, shotguns, macarov p9 small arms, fully automatic Glock 18s and even thermal gogs for when suspicious in the dark!
- And last but not least a HF blade with a blunt edge for a KO or a lethal edge/ stab.
- Penzetamines_steady your trigger finger_, cold meds and Bandages for blood trails
- Suppressors for various weapons.
- NVG, Thermal Goggles and A scope.
- A bullet proof vest and even an enemy uniform!
- A anti- personal sensor, mine detector and 2 assorted C4 detectors.
- Cigarettes_depletes life at the cost of seeing laser beams._
- Variations of the classic cardbord box trick! :]
- "adult mags" for a sly way past.
- Assorted Lvls of cards for doors.
- Rations to help you recover.
- dogtags for unlockable extras.
- then extras for the second play through like bandannas for infinite ammo and stealth camo!

Now if that immense list doesn't look impressive go see a doctor now or you could stick around for me to tell you how brilliantly the enemy handle their equipment and perhaps most impressively how they use their radios and grenades because the way the A.I. works will get you again and again and again.
Overall this game is a must for anyone who likes, well any type of media!