One of the best games ever made
You play as two stealth operatives through multiple kinds of scenarios. The game play is highly addicting and can played however you want to. You can run and gun through or be as quiet as a mouse. There are many bosses that you face and there is generally some trick to beating them, so you always have to think on your toes. The story compliments the game play very well, so there is always some justification for doing something, nothing is random.
This version of MGS2 contains a lot of extras like VR missions, Snake Tales misisons, and Replayable Boss mode. This is good for people who want to play the game in short bursts, getting the awesome gameplay without the story if you are crunched on time.
Technical aspects:
The controls are very fluid, and remain complex without being overbearing. The difficulty setting can make the controls easier or harder to learn based on enemy AI settings.
The graphics, in terms of last-gen graphics, are still seen as one of the best uses of PS2 technology. The opening sequence on the Tanker features some of the most breathtaking graphic technology that still surpasses some games today in terms of creating a believable atmosphere. The graphics run at a blazing 60 fps so everything appears very realistic and not sluggish.
The sound is another amazing aspect of MGS2. The score, by Harry Gregson Williams, is astounding and sets the militaristic mood of the game itself. The sound effects including weather, gunfire, environmental sounds, and voice acting, are all at the top level of production value. Simply astonishing.
This is a true example of gameplay, story, and production value fused into one cohesive package that still stands today as one of the only games that feels like you are in a movie. Everything about this game is simply perfect, some may find the story a little convoluted at times, but replaying it is necessarily to absorb the textured story. The replay value, especially for this re-release, can provide over 100 hours of gameplay. This is a must buy game. It is the best MGS game, and one of the best games of all time.