this game is freekin ausome!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Mega Hits!) PS2
i dont think i could write anything bad about this game the cheaters have done top job on graphs the stroy is so addictable and metal gear solid 2 is my no1 game ever played and the first ps2 game i played as it came free with my ps2. sweeeeeeet. at the time it was worth top doller as it had only just come out for sale. anyway i dont think anyone who appreats the ps2 will not injoy this game in some way at times it can even be funny as it just adds little things in between the game like if you see a prono pic you can kiss it, or a bad guy is taking a piss off the varander and you have to walk though it lol and silly stuff like that.

play it play it play it play it i DEAR you!