MGS 2 an amazing game!!
The game seems to be a little to far form the original MGS sense you don't get to play as much as i wish as Snake. But in the end it turned alright so i think that the graphics are alright and the story is kind of wear the game it self has some pretty intresting features, the weapons are as regular on the MGS some of the best out there. some of the characters are awsome and well made. One thing that really bather me is that it all takes place on a platform no really buildings were included on this game so i am hoping some more of that soon on the MGS 3. the game its a good MGS series game but i think that it could use some of the best graphics to make it alittle more exhiting on the gameplay. Another thing is that i think some of the missions could have been more difficult the game was pretty easy and really did not take me alot of time to finish it.
i recommend the game to the players of the MGS series so that you can keep up with the series!!
thanks for reading keep gaming and peace.