For any fan of the MGS franchise

User Rating: 9.4 | Metal Gear: Ghost Babel GBC
When you think about, every Metal Gear game has played the same from NES days. From the very first Metal Gear to every 3D form released on a Sony, Microsoft of Nintendo platform. It's always been about hiding behind walls and sneaking up on people, but always within a different perspective and changing the gameplay a bit.

Not really a bad thing mind you, but just something to keep in mind since playing MGS on the Game Boy Color proves that so and it certainly isn't a bad thing.

Basically if you've played any Metal Gear game (especially the 8-bit ones) and enjoyed them, then youll enjoy the hell out of Metal Gear Solid for the GBC. Everything you know and love about MGS is crammed all in the GBC cartridge, from the great boss battles all the way to the VR missions (though the cinemas are of course out of the fold). The whole game maintains the feel of everything you love about the MGS franchise and includes plenty of replay value for those who want a quick game of something.

So if youre an MGS fan, buy it and love it. If not, then there's something wrong with you and you need to play this.