MGS3's dramatical ending just makes you want to replay the whole series over again.

User Rating: 9.6 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
To be honest I was dissapointed by this title. Not because it is a bad game, bt because to tell you the truth I was expecting something else. But sadly that game doesn't exist. I guess fantasy is always better than reality, oh well. At least we get this game. Which is fantastic. So here for the reality review: Gameplay: What to say... Gunfights are amazing. Sneaking is somewhat not needed :( but you could do it anyway! :) Capturing animals and taking bullets out of yourself with a knife is just awesome. Catching Monkeys is... well... whatever. Graphics: It's funny how obvious it is that the engine was specifically written for outdoor environments. But whatever this game is on par with Half Life2 , Fable, and Jak3. So the graphics are great. Screen tearing is annoying but you get over it. It's not very frequent either. Sound: Best... sound effects... EVER! And the music is also fantastic. MGS3 excells in this area and beats out even the toughest PC compeditors. Value: 17 hours first time through + Monkey game + TONS of replayability = 9/10 For people who never played MGS before, do whatever you like. But for people who are fans, don't miss out on this one guys! Trust me, the last boss fight and the ending are alone worth 50 dollars.