Perfection on a disc

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
This game is the most wonderful thing that I have every experienced. It is truly amazing. There is nothing about it that is not perfect for the time. Now in Metal Gear Solid 4 I will be expecting some things to be fixed or else. The sneaking with the camouflage is wonderful. Now there is a lot of menu use in this game. You have to go into it to change your outfit and also to "cure" yourself. However this never seems like a hinder but rather is quite fun. I would suggest that in future games they do not do this but for this it is perfect. The character development is great. You will love every one of them. Oh and the story which I am sure that many are worried about from the last game. Well let me tell you there will be no divide between love and hate for this one. This is a story that everyone will love. The graphics are amazing and would put any game on any system to shame. One of the greatest games ever made. Truly epic.