One of the Best Storys Told on one game to follow up on others.

User Rating: 9.7 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
Gameplay stays true from MGS(PS1) and MGS2:Sons of Liberty...but that Circle button becomes an attachment when getting near guards...since CQC is always a great way to get things done...I think it is very exceptional on Konami's part. I wish the game was a little longer also going towards the birth of Liquid. Solid, and Solidus...but i guess the game was filled for this one. Character Voices are very good David Hayter does a remarkable Snake voice, graphics...smoother than...well smooth...boss battles...keep formula..and i believe that is it for me. Weapons are very fun when having different techniques to use em....and always fun to use steath camo when replaying.....Extreme good as always.