Best Metal Gear Solid game so far...
User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
When i first started playing i was frustrated and very angry. I kept pressing X on "New Game" and it kept bringing me back to the start menu. At this point i was about to throw my PS2 across the room, but something caught my eye before i threw it. The instruction manual! I then found out that O is the button I should have been using (X is back and O is enter) after about 2 hours i found out the problem. When i got started i was amazed by the cutscene, good graphics and nice crisp sound quality. The game has a great story as well and cool bosses. I liked the fact that you had to get your own food by killing animals and eating them. The camoflauge is a cool feature in the menu it shows how well you are camoflauged and you have the ability to change what you are wearing. The only thing that had me frustrated was when you aim with a weapon it went into First-Person veiw and Thrid_person Veiw when you were walking around. Anyway this game is the best MGS money can buy... or until the next one comes out. The main thing tht made me but the game was the fact that it was Metal Gear Solid