A good game that still feels behind the times.
Having to push 2 buttons plus move your aimer stick around just fire a gun is really annoying. Another example of how not to use pressure sensitive buttons is lying down and getting up.( RRrrrrr!) What Im saying cant be all that bad cause splinter cells aiming and shooting is alot for efficient and easier and is now becoming more popular in alot of games than ever before. Almost a new video game standard to have over the shoulder firing.
I admit I was upset at the MGS video of kojima making fun of Sam fisher being slow as a rock but after really sitting down and comparing the two stealth juggernauts it was alot clearer that sam moved just as fast as snake. (try it sometime if you dont believe me)
The graphics are amazing! The sound is top notch! The story was absolutely awesome along with the overall style of the game. But like I said before Im just to spoiled with splinter cells easier and more efficent controlls. This game is legendary but I hope to god they fix the camera and shooting MGS4. That would be the only deturent from me playing the next Legendary Hideo game and the last chapter.