MGS3 is probably the best game ever made. Anyone who hasn't played it yet should (before I kill you).
The setting of this game is in 1964, during the Cold War against The United States of America and The Former Soviet Union. You play as Snake as you infiltrate in enemy territory to destroy the Shagohod, a tank capable of launching IRBM from any terrain. This game is different from Metal Gear Solid 2 because this time, the enemies can actually hear your footsteps. This game is tricky because you have to put on certain camouflages to stay hidden. There’s new gameplay that will have you playing for months. I'll break down the review for you.
Gameplay: The gameplay is fantastic but could've been a bit better. Everything is too simple. Like eating an animal or healing yourself. It's all in a touch of a button. You equip it and just press enter (I'm not saying which button, just "enter"... LOL, new players probably can't even start the game). Okay, back to the gameplay. The controls were confusing at first because to fire a gun in first person, you need to press at least two buttons and up to three buttons and new player might get confused. But, it's nothing you can't get used to though.
Graphics: The graphics are amazing although, it could've been better for this kind of "generation". The overall graphics are great. The environments are very detail and show a sense of adventure and danger to the game. The smallest details are great, like the grass and little spiders crawling around and birds flying takes the player to a new level. The only thing that I thought should've been better were the cut-scenes. Yes, no doubt about it, they are all amazing but the graphics are the same as when you play the game. In a cinematic game like this one, Hideo Kojima should've made the graphics for this area of the game more detailed. The graphics are great and most players would not complain about them.
Sound: There’s not much to say about the sound. The voice acting is very convincing and the sound effects work very to make players believe that they were there with the main character (character’s name might be a spoiler, I’m just making sure that I’m not ruining the game for anyone). This game probably has the best sound in any game I have ever played in ten years. The sound will not disappoint anyone, I guarantee it. Value: The value of this game could’ve went either way. Most people wouldn’t want to play this game over and over because it’s just filled with a confusing storyline. Well, obviously those people missed the point, the storyline is the reason why I keep playing this game over and over. See, the storyline is very confusing but interesting. I would bet that no one actually could understand the full storyline and actually write a report on it the first time around. Players need to play this game again just to understand a fair amount of the story. I have played this game for over 50 hours and have beaten it seven times and I still have questions in my head that I need an answer to. But, some people might not get the story and probably don’t want to get it. So, the value of this game could be one or ten depending on the player. This is my review so I’ll give it a nine.
Reviewer’s Tilt: I just love this game! The first time I played a Metal Gear Solid game was in 2002 (Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty) and I immediately fell in love with this series. The action is top notch and the story is unforgettable. Most people would either hate it or love it. But, I would believe that most people would love it just as much as I do.
Overall thoughts: If you like actions games, and a PS2 then it is a must have game. - Jon "sh4d0w" Nguyen