The Snake family is back but this time its not solid or liquid.
The game sets back near the cold war and your job is to take out some russians and their new war toy. Problem is there is a team like fox hound that wants to beat you down and throw you off a bridge so its your job to be rambo and kill them all by yourself. The game introduces camo which is where you can change your outfit to fit the environment each uniform you find and get will help hide you from the enemy by a %. When you change the percent changes telling you what its good at so if its good with darkness or daylight etc.
The game also creates smarter ai, the enemies no longer make it easy for you to hide or even get them for their tags because if you don't watch where you step you can end up stepping on a branch and giving him the hey we got an intruder stuff. The enemy also uses line tactic which is where one leads the way and another 2 in the middle and 1 covering the rear which is very effective against you...they also have dogs to help find you or turn you into their next meal.
The game also has a new healing system where if you jump to high you can break your leg or if you get bitten by a snake you can get the big P which slows you down and kills ya. The game also allows you to kill and eat anything besides the dog and enemies...i dont think we want to eat them anyways. But you can eat snakes to other stuff and it will heal your bar.
The game also introduces turrets such as aa guns to mounted machine guns which is very cool and fun to use.
Overall another great metal gear game to join its brothers.