Metal Gear Solid 3: The Way it Should Be

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
I write this review, after beating the original Snake Eater, which was a very complete, and solid entry in the MGS saga. I am still playing Subsistence, yes it's that good of a remake. This is probably one of the most refined remakes ever.

Gameplay- This is basically Snake Eater, with the camera totally revamped. This is a VERY good game, but with the camera, it gets a breath of new life. You can now look around in a full 360 degrees around you, and this makes the environment look 10x more beautiful. You can see enemies coming better, see secrets better, and you can assess your situation better. The controls stay sharp, with the really good pressure sensitive firing.

Graphics- The graphics are very sharp. Snake looks great with all his camo, and face-paint. There are many different camo, and face-paint combos, they even made a kubrick figure of Snake in his brick camo, and zombie face paint. There is camo, literally for every situation in the game. Splitter is perfect for indoor ops, and Olive Drab, or Tiger Stripe is perfect for the jungle. As for minor graphical details, Subsistence excels. You can see leeches, and mud on his camo, and you can even make him throw up...

Sound- The music is great. The music fits perfectly into the setting. There is James Bond-esque intro music, and makes a brilliant choice for the intro. The dialogue voice overs are off in some places, but the voice actor choices are perfect. The in-game music is fitting for every situation, and the music intensifies, as you gain alert status.

Value- There are so many reasons to replay this game, first is the many easter eggs in the game. There are literally hundreds of easter eggs in the game, so you can think of something, and you can probably do it. You can shoot someone's radio, disarm them by shooting their weapons, create time paradoxes, find magazines, and you can even interrogate people *cough* Eva* Cough* for surprises. There are many bonuses also, as incentives to replay the whole game. Each time you beat the game, you get a certain rating, such as Jaws, Fox, etc. On your second playthrough, all of your camo and facepaint carry over, so there's no need to sweat. There's even a new addition to your camo, so check it out! You also get two new weapons, but you'll have to play to find out which! All in all, you'll want to replay the game two or three times, just to take advantage of the replay bonuses, and unbeatable story, straight from the mind of Kojima.
The new added features are: A boss rush mode, the bosses are the one of the highlights of the game! Online mode!! This is the greatest online game I've played in a while. Typically there are 600 players online at a time, but beware!! Much practice is needed to survive. Secret Theater Mode, the new movies added are very funny, and are worth it! My favorite, is the ability to view any cutscene in the game, or view a chapter, or even view all of the cutscenes of the game. So if you miss something important in a cutscene, go back and watch it again! More Snake vs. Monkey mode matches are also added, which is a mode where snake goes hunting for Ape Escape monkeys with the "EZ-Gun" which is basically a tranq gun. Overall
If you don't own this game already, this is one definitely not to miss. Even if you don't own the first two, or already own Snake Eater, for 25 bucks, this is my favorite game of all time.

Note-Parental info!
If you are wondering about the content of this game, there is blood. You don't need to kill anyone to beat the game, not even the bosses. In fact, you get a higher rating if you don't kill anyone. There is a tranq gun to incapacitate your enemies without killing them. You can kill your enemies in pretty gruesome, but not that explicit ways, such as slitting their throat, snapping their neck, choking them (Not killing them though), etc. You can turn the blood OFF, but there is still a brutal torture scene, that is pretty important to the story, but can be skipped. Eva, the main female character is mostly in scantily clad for the majority of the game, but the suggestive themes isn't very explicit. This is a really good game to play with your teens, to explain the story, and to talk about what is happening.
I rate the game Ages 15+

Note: the learning curve is higher if you wish to learn all of the techniques to use to be as stealthy as possible.