This is the best game i have ever seen and had i never expected the mgs series to make such a cool online game!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
This game is exellent for people who love online games and the metal gear solid series!!!!!!!!If u expect this game to be laggy trust me it isnt at all even if u have a bad quality internet connection like me for instance. Ok there are some annoying lags but dont worry not much. The coolest part is that the game now come with many more maps then in the game and i think that u should play the mgs series before this because if u dont u wont understand the game because it was many charters in the game for example ocelot and Ivan also the ocelot unit, KGB troops and the GRU troops!!!!i hope after mgs4 it wont be the end for the mgs series!!!!! i hope this review helps u buy the game we need more players on the servers more noobs to kill lol jkn jkn!!!!!!!!!