Most over-rated series of all time makes few concessions to modern game conventions.

User Rating: 5.1 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (First Print Limited Edition) PS2
It's funny how certain "old-school" Japanese games get a pass from game journalists for things newer series are slammed for doing. Subsistence is getting high scores for finally implementing a very rudimentary online component and an independent camera.

Series like Splinter Cell have done these things for years and would be completely discarded without those features. The textures are as muddy as ever and interrupted by frequent level loads. It seems like you can't move forward more than 30 seconds without being loaded into another screen.

The gameplay is extremely linear with artificial barriers guiding you along a strictly defined path. There is none of the open-ended, alternative gameplay Western developers adopted years ago.

Furthermore, the game mechanics themselves are extremely weak and archaic with unintuitive menu's and gimmicky game conventions. Probably the most frustrating aspect of the game is that you end up watching it more than playing it.

In the first hour or so of the game, you spend about 45 minutes watching overblown, poorly written and acted dialogue and about 15 actual minutes of playing the game yourself.

The only people I see enjoying this tired, cliched series are those who have limited themselves to the traditional Japanese developers and don't realize that far better alternatives have existed for many years.