This Game Is By Far One Of The Best Games Im GOing to Review In THe Past Mounths i Have not Played this good for a while

User Rating: 9.4 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
This game Is Good on all grounds Graphics are amazing for the Playstation 2, the Gameplay is Just Amazing of how much Detail they put into the storyline that it makes me want another Metal Gear Soild Fast ....and Each Boss Battle U Had to Think out how to WIn the Fight Like the Sorrow....Im not going to say anything eles becuase someone might read this that has not beaten the game but that is a very smart boss battle....but this game is basically flawless except it should be longer....any game this good should be as long as possible thats my review on this game and its just amazing to me thats all i can really say.