A great game that anybody can enjoy.
Gameplay: 10
This game has some of the best gameplay I've seen in a game; the camo index is an interesting and easy to use system that will always have you wondering whether you'll be caught and the bosses are some of the best battles I've been in. The End was a perfect boss, he gave you the most challenging experience in the whole game and put your sneaking skills to the ultimate test. Of course the sneaking gameplay we've all come to expect of the series is intact.
Graphics: 10
Some of the best graphics I've seen and it's only using the games engine. they are entirely liflike and will always keep you looking around.
Sound: 8
The sound was good but not as good as you might want it to be in a jungle environment you can't really hear all the guards very well while their walking around. But the sounds of simply running through the grass and walking on tile and down stairs sounds really good, and the guns sound just like you want them to.
Value: 9
This game will keep you coming back whether it's the amazing gameplay, to find all the camos or all the weapons and upgrades, or to simply watch your favorite cutscenes and listen to the funny codec conversations All in All: 9.1