The Best Game of all time
Graphicly, this is one of the best looking PS2 games ever, not fantastic graphics in general, but the cutscenes look absolutely astonishing and jungle portions look incredible. However I wish the game was 90% outdoors but more like 60% outdoors 40% in buildings or warehouses. We dont get enough time in the gorgeous jungle.
The sound for the game is mind numbingly real and fantsastic. I FELT I was in a jungle with the birds, monkies, and other small creatures chirping and shrieking in the distant wilderness. Voice overs could have been a tad bit better but they are good none the less.
Gameplay wise, I will skip all about the main game because it is basicly the same except for a nifty (but not THAT much more helpful) camera, and a few more camos. In the second disc you get your Online mode. There is the usual fare of game options, I paticuarly liked how I can change the music to just about any classic MGS tune during the respawn screen. It isnt all that perfect though because there is a host of glitches and small lag. Thats probably the most major addition to the second disc, I will talk about the rest soon
The value is, something writeing home about., Snake Eater only offered a Snake vs Monkey mini game for extras. Now we get DUEL MODE; a mode in which you can play against any boss for a high score to earn camos for the main game. SECRET THEATRE; parodies using the cutscene engine. They are hilarious, but you wont spend that much time with them after a while. Maybe to just show your friends. We also get new SNAKE VS MONKEY levels, which are just as hard as the last ones. Stunningly we get the old Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake as extras also. I havent spent more than 10 minutes on them, they are there.. but EXTREME hard core fans will love it.
Overall Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence gets my honor of best game of all time and possibly the year. You should buy a PS2 just for this game. Online or Offline MGS3 Sub will please fans new and old to the series. Be sure to buy this game A-SAP